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Presentación del contenido programático de la asignatura

Cenosphere formation is a current phenomenon when spray drying suspensions. An impervious crust is formed as the surface of sprayed droplets is dried by the hot gas, and the residual water inside the droplet is overheated, and breaks part of the…

En el material se analizan los modelos individualista y colectivista y la influencia que ejercen los mismos sobre la concepción de la universidad.

Poster 2 routes glass ceramics microspheres.pdf
Semicrystalline microspheres are generally easily obtained from petrurgical processes, ie crystallization from a melted composition when cooling velocity and oxide compositions are unable to yield total vitrification. However,
when glass ceramics…

Describe cómo se instala la herramienta Cmaptools, la forma de realizar un mapa y los criterios a tener en cuenta a la hora de evaluarlos
Formatos de Salida

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